7 Books I’m Grateful For

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Happy (now belated) Thanksgiving!

In the spirit of gratitude season, I’ve been reflecting on why I’m grateful for books. Of course, I’m thankful for surface level elements of reading — the entertainment, a fun way to pass time, and stories being like a ticket to exploring new worlds and imaginative adventures.

But more than that, reading has encouraged me to consider different perspectives, challenge my worldview, and develop empathy and compassion to a degree that’s hard to put into words.

There are books that have literally shaped me as a person, helping me to connect with my sense of self and what I value. In reading, I both find myself and a love and appreciation for others.

I’ll always be grateful for books and today, am sharing a more personal round-up of books that I’m grateful for — whether for them being my first exposure to a new loved genre or for their relatability and life-affirming message.

I’m excited to share this little bit of my heart, and hope it encourages you to reflect on the books that you’re grateful for and that keep you reading!

Pachinko by Min Jin Lee

This was one of the first books that got me back into reading as an adult and truly blew me away. It’s an epic family saga that will stick you with long after you finish it.

Buy the book: Amazon | Bookshop.org

The Paris Wife by Paula McLain

This historical fiction story about Ernest Hemingway’s first wife, Hadley Richardson, is one of my favorite books of all time, perhaps because it found me at the right time in my life as I navigated a difficult break-up. Compelling, heartbreaking, and deeply human, this is a book about love, dependence, and betrayal.

Buy the book: Amazon | Bookshop.org

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier

This haunting and beautifully written, well-loved classic was my first exposure to gothic novels and opened a door to one of my favorite genres — what more can I say?

Buy the book: Amazon | Bookshop.org

Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

This is a story that I’ve quite literally loved in any medium — audiobook, physical book, TV show. I’ve loved every single adaptation thus far, and this book really represents why I love reading because it’s just a great, approachable yet complex, and fun story.

Buy the book: Amazon | Bookshop.org

Adelaide by Genevieve Wheeler

Similar to how I feel about The Paris Wife, I adore this book because of its relatability and beautiful writing. It was my favorite read last year and a must read for anyone who’s navigated a heartbreaking situationship.

Buy the book: Amazon | Bookshop.org

Know my Name: A Memoir by Chanel Miller

I feel strongly that this should be required reading for all humans. I read this over two days, cried through most of it, and was so moved by Miller’s story of surviving sexual assault, her fight to reclaim her narrative, and how our society often fails protect or support women and survivors of sexual trauma.

Buy the book: Amazon | Bookshop.org

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb

I’m grateful to have read this part self-help, part memoir, both as a therapist and a human. I found it to be relatable, thought-provoking, and charming, and I finished it with the feeling that being a messy, flawed human trying my best is good enough.

Buy the book: Amazon | Bookshop.org

I’d love to hear what books you’re grateful for if you feel inclined to share in the comments!


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